John White Murder: A Man Gets Life Sentence For Killing 2-Year-Old Boy

The John White murder case brought to light the abuse and death of a 2-year-old boy, Michael “Mikey” Lara 2015. 

The Weld County community was shocked by the news of a toddler’s sudden death. Michael had succumbed to severe injuries inflicted upon him. 

The perpetrator, John White, dating Mikey’s mother then, was charged with first-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death. 

Let’s take a closer look at what happened in the murder case and the trial of John White.

A twist in the John White murder trial 

2016 the first trial found White guilty of first-degree murder and child abuse.

Yet, complications in the trial process caused the Colorado Court of Appeals to overturn the verdict in October 2020.

This twist in the story made people question the fairness of the first trial and created a new situation to decide whether White was responsible.

John White murder trial long island

The shocking details of Mikey’s abuse and death were unveiled during the subsequent trial. 

Medical examinations revealed a disturbing pattern of severe trauma that far exceeded the explanation provided by White. 

Toxicology reports also indicated that White was under the influence of methamphetamine while caring for the toddler. 

As the trial progressed, the evidence painted a grim picture of the events leading up to Mikey’s devastating death.

John White murder case photos

The John White Murder case had important pictures that showed what happened. In 2015, something unfortunate happened to a little boy named Mikey. 

He was only two years old. John White was involved in this evil thing that happened. The pictures from the case helped everyone understand how bad it was.

When people looked at the pictures, they could see how hurt Mikey was. 

He had big bruises on his body that showed he was mistreated. His face and neck had burns from something hot, which was painful. 

These pictures made people feel very sad and angry. They made everyone want to make things right for Mikey.

The pictures were for more than just looking at. They were important in the trial, where people decided what should happen to John White. 

The pictures helped the jury understand how much Mikey suffered. They showed everyone that what happened to Mikey was very wrong.

Mikey’s family felt a lot of pain when they saw the pictures. 

Every time the pictures were shown, they remembered how Mikey was not there anymore. The pictures made them feel sad about losing Mikey.

The pictures were solid proof that what John White did was terrible. They reminded everyone that justice was needed. 

During the trial, the pictures helped the people trying to show that John White did something wrong. 

The pictures showed how serious the problem was. They helped everyone understand how much Mikey suffered.

John White trial Conclusion

After careful deliberation, a new Weld County jury rendered its verdict. 

John White was once again convicted of first-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death. 

The community’s faith in the justice system was reaffirmed as the jury’s decision reflected a collective determination to see justice served for Mikey.

“Twenty-four people from our community, across two jury trials, have confirmed what we’ve always argued was the truth”. 

That this defendant killed Mikey and was not an accident,” Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wrenn stated during the sentencing hearing.

The final chapter of the John White murder case 

As the legal proceeding ended for the John White murder case, the judge decided that White would spend his whole life in prison without getting out.

Additionally, White was sentenced to 48 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections for child abuse resulting in a death charge.

In addition, the memory of Michael “Mikey” Lara lives on in the hearts of those who knew him. 

While the legal process has provided a sense of closure, the scars left by this tragedy will forever serve as a call for compassion, vigilance, and the pursuit of justice.
