Mlindo the Vocalist biography: age, real name, place of birth, songs and album

Mlindo the Vocalist is a South African vocalist whose real name is Lindokuhle Magedezi. He became famous when respected DJ Maphorisa picked him while he was performing an acoustic cover of ‘Midnight Staring’ on his social media page. The Dj was able to recognize great talent the first time he saw it and he asked if it was possible for them to collaborate. This was the beginning of a fruitful relationship that ended up in the recording of the hit, Ama blesser.

Mlindo has a voice that can only be described as golden. Listen to any of Mlindo songs and you can attest to this too. Apart from working with Dj Maphorisa, he has also partnered with the likes of Sun El Musician, the Akanamali hitmaker, on the Bamthathile song. Here are interesting details about the vocalist you need to know.

Mlindo the vocalist biography

Mlindo was born and raised in Port Shepstone in the KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. His was a musical family. It is not surprising therefore that he has been influenced to take this path in his career. Having been born in 1995, Mlindo the vocalist age is 24 years old. He is best known as Mlindo the vocalist Emakhaya album creator, not to mention his hit song Macala which features Kwesta and Thabsie. It is this specific Mlindo album that made him blow up.

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Mlindo the vocalist songs

The following is a comprehensive breakdown of Mlindo songs list. Some of his most popular songs include:

  • Macala
  • Usbahle
  • Lay’ndlini
  • Lengoma
  • Egoli
  • Imoto
  • Wamuhle
  • Emakhaya
  • Cold Summer
  • Ancestors
  • Nge Thanda Wena
  • AmaBlesser
  • Usukulude
  • Mosadi

These are songs in Mlindo the vocalist album that are worth noting. If you enjoy his voice and believe that he is a great talent, then Mlindo the vocalist Emakhaya album is what you should get.

Background information

Born in Egcekeni, KwaZulu-Natal, in the year 1995, the Mlindo Emakhaya album maker has always been a musical genius ever since he was a young child. It was only at the age of 4 years when he was chosen to be a part of the choir. Mlindo the vocalist Macala-hit-maker was recognized even before he could grow into a fully-fledged musician.

With a bright future, Mlindo Macala genius went on to work on himself which gave him the platform to be discovered in the future. Mlindo the vocalist amablesser was the first tune he worked on with Dj Maphorisa that actually made him blow up. Macala Mlindo only came as a confirmation that indeed the artist was on the right path, musically speaking. The Macala hit is a Mlindo ft Kwesta banger that will have you it on replay.

With Mlindo the vocalist songs list, it is possible for anyone to check out what the vocalist has been working on over time. One thing you can be sure of is that Mlindo the vocalist will not disappoint you.


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